
Membership is open to all persons who have held the Presidential commission of United States Attorney. Also elibigle for membership are former Department of Justice officials who have served pursuant to a Presidential commission and persons who have served as United States Attorney by court appointment or by designation of the Attorney General of the United States.

To become a member, please click the application link, complete and submit. To pay your annual dues, click on the red link on the home page of the NAFUSA website: “Pay dues click here.” You may pay on line by credit card or mail a check to the address below.  The different membership types are: Life Membership $3200; Yearly Membership $225; Senior Status (over 70 and not practicing) $75; annual Sustaining Member $500 in addition to membership dues.

  • Lisa Rafferty
    Deputy Director
    National Association of Former United States Attorneys (or NAFUSA)
    P.O. Box 1524
    Brighton, MI 48116