Georgia Super Lawyers Features Joe Whitley

Joe D Whitley Photo - resized

Joe Whitley

The March 2018 Georgia Super Lawyers issue highlights the career of NAFUSA member Joe Whitley. Whitely served as U.S. Attorney in both the Northern District and the Middle District of Georgia, and as the associate attorney general under President George H.W. Bush. The article describes how Joe became the first general counsel of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Many of Joe’s NAFUSA colleagues are quoted in the article.

Click here to read the article:

Super Lawyers Article – Heeding the Call – Why Joe Whitley was Tapped to Become the First General Counsel at DHS

Morgenthau Writes of Armenian Genocide

Robert Morgenthau

NAFUSA member Robert M. Morgenthau (Southern District of New York, 1961-1970), published an Op Ed in The Wall Street Journal on January 25, 2018, Will Trump Tell the Truth About the Armenian Genocide?

Morgenthau speaks of Turkey’s refusal to acknowledge the destruction of the Armenian population by the Ottoman Turks beginning in 1915. Morgenthau’s grandfather, Henry Morgenthau, was President Wilson’s ambassador to the Ottoman Empire at the time. He protested to the Turkish leaders, who told him the Armenians were not American citizens and none of his concern.

Morgenthau urges President Trump to declare the truth of the Armenian genocide.

Morgenthau also served as the Manhattan District Attorney (1975-2009) and is currently of counsel at Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz.

Pat Fitzgerald Represents Michigan State in Nassar Case

Pat Fitzgerald

As pressure grows on Michigan State University for its handling of the Dr. Lawrence G. Nassar case, it was disclosed that NAFUSA member Patrick Fitzgerald had been retained to represent the university. Fitzgerald and his firm, Skadden Arps, were to defend the university in civil lawsuits, facilitate “cooperation” with law enforcement and provide “counseling on any internal reviews conducted to make sure they are carried out in a manner that will best assist the university’s response.”

There was some confusion, as reported in The New York Times 

about whether Fitzgerald was retained to conduct an independent internal investigation or represent the interests of the university. Fitzgerald said on Friday, January 26, 2018, that his team had never been “engaged to produce a public report.”

Nassar was sentenced to 40 to 175 years in prison on January 24, 2018, which led to the resignation of University President Lou Anna K. Simon and Athletic Director Mark Hollis. Fitzgerald wrote the state’s attorney general that “While many in the community today wish that they had identified Nassar as a predator, we believe the evidence in this case will show that no one else at M.S.U. knew that Nassar engaged in criminal behavior.”

Heaphy Authors Report Critical of Charlottesville’s Response to White Supremacist Rally

Tim Heaphy

NAFUSA Board Member Tim Heaphy, former U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Virginia (2009-2014), issued a 207-page report on December 1, 2017, finding the Charlottesville Police Department was “ill-prepared, lacked proper training and devised a flawed plan for responding to the white supremacist rally that rocked the city in August, leading to ‘disastrous results’”, as reported by The Washington Post. 

Heaphy’s law firm, Hunton & Williams, was hired by the City of Charlottesville to conduct an independent review to access the city’s response to three separate white supremacist events in the city earlier this year. The police department received much of the blame, but the report also is critical of the City Council, attorneys from the city and state, the University of Virginia, and the Virginia State Police. The Charlottesville police chief, Al Thomas, resigned today, effective immediately.

Read the full report:

2017 Fiske Fellows Named

As reported in Law Quadrangle, Notes From Michigan Law:

The 2017 Fiske Fellows had an opportunity to meet their benefactor, Bob Fiske, ’55, HLLD ’97, in Ann Arbor in April. Pictured with Fiske are Fellows (left to right) Andrew Sand, ’15, an assistant general counsel in the Office of the General Counsel, Federal Bureau of Investigation; Danielle Angeli, ’16, an assistant U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Ohio, general crimes unit; Sommer Engels, ’16, an honors attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice’s environment and natural resources division, appellate section; and Matt Evans, ‘15, a trial attorney in the Department of Justice’s environment and natural resources division, environmental crimes section. The Fiske Fellowship Program encourages recent graduates to pursue positions as government lawyers. The Fellowship pays both college and law school debt for three years plus a stipend.

Bob served as the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York (1976-1980) and is senior counsel at Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP. This is Bob’s 16th year awarding the Fiske Fellows fellowships. He is a long time member of NAFUSA.

Doug Jones Elected in Alabama

Bob Miller for the New York Times

On Tuesday, December 12, 2017, NAFUSA member Doug Jones was elected to the United States Senate by the voters of the State of Alabama. Doug was in line to be NAFUSA’s president this year, but stepped down to run for the vacancy created when Jeff Sessions left the Senate to become the Attorney General. Doug won a close election over Roy Moore, who has yet to concede. It is unlikely, however, that there will be a recount as Doug’s victory was by more than 20,000 votes. Tuesday was also Doug and Louise’s 25th wedding anniversary. You can see them celebrating above.

See the New York Times profile of Doug: Doug Jones: A Lawyer in the Thick of Alabama’s Big Moments

On December 15, 2017, The Tennessean published an article Doug Jones, Hal  Hardin share a bond of friendship and justice  which discusses how Doug was in line to become president of NAFUSA but stepped down to run for the Senate. Hal Hardin, who took his place to become president of NAFUSA said “I’m so proud of Doug. He is a bridge builder, not a super-partisan person. Obviously it’s bridge builders that our nation needs right now- someone who can work with all kinds of people to find common ground, and work for the good of the country.”

Past NAFUSA Presidents Don Stern, Greg Vega and Rick Deane were joined by NAFUSA member Walter Holton in campaigning for Doug in Alabama this past weekend. Doug acknowledged the support of his U.S. Attorney friends in his acceptance speech.

Rick Deane, Don Stern, Doug Jones, Greg Vega and Walter Holton (December 12, 2017)



Doug Jones in the Headlines

NAFUSA member Doug Jones would have been the NAFUSA president today if he had not stepped down last fall to run for the United States Senate to fill the Jeff Sessions vacancy in Alabama. His race against Roy Moore has become the most important election in the country. It will be decided tomorrow. Doug has had a lot of support from a number of his colleagues at NAFUSA. Past NAFUSA Presidents Don Stern and Greg Vega were joined by NAFUSA member Walt Holton campaigning over the weekend in Alabama.

Don Stern, Doug Jones, Greg Vega and Walter Holton in Montgomery, Alabama 12/11/2017

Butler Snow to Host and Sponsor Opening Reception in Nashville

Butler Snow has signed on as NAFUSA’s first 2018 sponsor and will host the opening reception at the 2018 NAFUSA conference on Wednesday, October 24, at their spectacular offices in The Pinnacle at Symphony Place. The firm has three NAFUSA members as partners. Shown below, left to right, Jim Letten (ED of Louisiana 2001-2012), James B. Tucker (SD Mississippi 2001-2001), and Edward L. Stanton (WD Tennessee 2010-2017). The three former U.S. Attorneys are part of the firm’s growing investigations, white collar practice and commercial litigation group, serving three separate offices and three separate federal districts. Jim Letten is in the Butler Snow New Orleans office, James Tucker in the Jackson, Mississippi office, and Edward Stanton in the Memphis office.

About Butler Snow

Butler Snow LLP is a full-service law firm with more than 350 attorneys and advisors collaborating across a network of 24 offices in the United States, Europe and Asia.  Ranked as a leading firm for client relations and one of America’s Top 100 law firms in the BTI Power Rankings, Butler Snow is recognized as one of the nation’s top law firms for client service. The firm was recently ranked 48th out of 650 firms in the BTI Client Relationship Scorecard for understanding our client’s business, anticipating client’s needs, unprompted communication, legal skills, quality and keeping clients informed. For more information, visit or follow Butler Snow on twitter @Butler_Snow.