On April 18, the NAFUSA board of directors decided to postpone the 2020 annual conference scheduled for New York City on September 30-October 2. The board’s vote was unanimous. The board also agreed unanimously to recommend to the membership at large that the current slate of officers and directors be frozen through the annual conference in 2021.
On August 27, 2020, all active NAFUSA members were sent an email ballot to cast their votes regarding three Covid-19 related issues.The August vote was intended to have the membership at large vote to approve or disapprove these actions. The voting ended on September 10, 2020, and the results are listed below.
Question 1. 120 NAFUSA members voted, 119 “yes” and 1 “no.”
Due to the complications caused by the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020, I approve the postponement of the 2020 annual NAFUSA conference, which was scheduled for New York City on September 30-October 2, to a date in 2021 considered by the NAFUSA board of directors, in their sole discretion, to be safe for travel and meeting in a large group.
Question 2. 120 NAFUSA members voted, 120 “yes” and 0 “no.”
I approve extending the terms of the current incumbent officers and directors until the adjournment of the annual conference in 2021, unless the membership takes further action to the contrary .
Question 3. 120 NAFUSA members voted, 120 “yes” and 0 “no”.
I certify that I am an active member of NAFUSA and waive any additional notice that may be required for these actions.
The NAFUSA officers and board members appreciate the support of the membership at large during these difficult times. They remain hopeful that we can return to normal times in 2021.