On Tuesday, December 12, 2017, NAFUSA member Doug Jones was elected to the United States Senate by the voters of the State of Alabama. Doug was in line to be NAFUSA’s president this year, but stepped down to run for the vacancy created when Jeff Sessions left the Senate to become the Attorney General. Doug won a close election over Roy Moore, who has yet to concede. It is unlikely, however, that there will be a recount as Doug’s victory was by more than 20,000 votes. Tuesday was also Doug and Louise’s 25th wedding anniversary. You can see them celebrating above.
See the New York Times profile of Doug: Doug Jones: A Lawyer in the Thick of Alabama’s Big Moments
On December 15, 2017, The Tennessean published an article Doug Jones, Hal Hardin share a bond of friendship and justice which discusses how Doug was in line to become president of NAFUSA but stepped down to run for the Senate. Hal Hardin, who took his place to become president of NAFUSA said “I’m so proud of Doug. He is a bridge builder, not a super-partisan person. Obviously it’s bridge builders that our nation needs right now- someone who can work with all kinds of people to find common ground, and work for the good of the country.”
Past NAFUSA Presidents Don Stern, Greg Vega and Rick Deane were joined by NAFUSA member Walter Holton in campaigning for Doug in Alabama this past weekend. Doug acknowledged the support of his U.S. Attorney friends in his acceptance speech.
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